Excel Data Validation For Beginners

About Course
- This course teaches students how to use the Data Validation feature in Excel to create rules that can control the inputs to Excel Workbooks.
- This helps users eliminate bad data inputted by other people.
- Students will learn how to controls numbers such as Integers and Decimals inputted by other users.
- Students will learn techniques for creating data validation lists to restrict inputs to a list of values.
- Students will learn how to apply date and time controls to restrict date and time inputs on their workbooks.
- Students will learn how to apply text controls to control text inputs on their workbooks.
- Users should be familiar with Microsoft Excel.
- Users should be familiar with basic functions in Excel such Sum and Count.
What I will learn?
- Introduction Data
- Validation
- Creating Data Validation Lists
- Data and Time Controls
- Text Controls
- More Custom formula Tricks
- More about Data Validation