Future learn free online courses

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Future learn free online courses

We all are familiar with many online learning platforms who provides many free as well as paid courses. In this article, we are going to list out many such free courses from digital education platform. this massive open online course learning platform provides number of unlimited and free digital courses. Look at below Future learn free online courses

List of Future learn free online courses

1. One Sided Communication and the MPI


Time Duration – 4 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

  • How to apply MPI one-sided communication
  • Learn communication patterns in MPI application
  • MPI communication program designing
  • How to prevent deadlocks and ensure correct program
  • Learn MPI shared memory & non scalable solutions

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2. Higher Education Certifying your Future


Time Duration – 3 hours

Course Duration – 3 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Diverse perspectives about future demands for certified learning

Concepts of skill conceptualize & new forms of learning

DCU innovation & case studies

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3. Introduction to Programming with Python


Time Duration – 3 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn to create simple programs

Learn basic Python elements

Learn about debugging, version control & exception handling

Know the principles of object oriented programming for python program

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4. Introduction to Python for educators


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn about sequencing and repetition

Learn about ‘for’ and ‘while loops’, functions & if statements

Learn about how to solve simple problems

Learn how to interpret error messages & python syntax

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5. Programming with GUIs


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 3 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Hands on different widgets & build GUI

Event driven program & procedural program difference

Design text editor & picture matching game

Learn how to use guizero’s built methods & countdown timer

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6. Digital Skills Web Analytics


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 2 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn about descriptive, diagnostic & prescriptive analytics.

Learn segmentation process and its importance

Learn Google analytics and its importance

Learn different web analytics processes and metrics

Learn about Businesses challenges to get right data

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7. Successful Agile for Digital Teams


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 2 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Agile principles and its benefits

Learn about scrum master & product owner

Agile challenges & Agile projects

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8. Understanding computer systems


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 3 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Hardware and software difference

Operating systems & virtual memory

System performance factors

Learn about application, utility and system

Storage input & output devices

Hardware functions & device interaction

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9. Software Development Basics


Time Duration – 3 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

How to create a simple HTML webpage

How to use media and HTML styling elements

Learn about hyperlinks, semantic elements & formatted text

Learn how to create files for a web page

Learn about testing and debugging

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10. Networking with python

Socket programming for communication


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 3 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn sockets python programs

Layers of TCP/IP model

Life cycle of a socket

TCP and UDP programs

Reliable and unreliable communication

Causes of network errors

Errors correcting methods

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11. Introduction to Data Analytics with python


Time Duration – 3 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Python elements for data analytics

Learn about python pandas & data operation

Data Ingestion & data wrangling operations

Data visualization in seaborn python plotting library

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12.  Programming : Think Like a Computer Scientist


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn search and sort algorithms to data

Interpret algorithms and Modify functions

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13.  Teaching Physical Computing with Raspberry Pi and Python


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 3 weeks

What You Will Learn –

How to use Raspberry Pi for physical computing

Programming concepts for digital inputs and outputs

Practical applications of inputs and outputs

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14.  Decentralized Finance: Blockchain, Ethereum, and The Future of Banking


Time Duration – 3 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn about key terms and elements of DeFi

Key DeFi interactions and DeFi risks

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15.  Digital Skills Embracing Digital Technology


Time Duration – 3 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn websites registration and log in process

Advanced digital content and Posting

Importance of a personal learning network

Learn about trustworthy and untrustworthy communications 

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16.  How Computers Work Demystifying Computation


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn about transistors digital switches

Learn about how computers use binary arithmetic

Learn Truth tables and its combination

Learn the digital circuits for a calculation

Learn Von Neuman Architecture & Fetch-Execute cycle

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17.  Introduction to Cybersecurity for Teachers


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 3 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn cyberattacks, phishing, blagging, shoulder surfing and pharming

Learn the malware and Misuse of Computer Act

Learn Protect a network processes and SQL injection attack

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18.  Introduction to Databases and SQL


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 3 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn SQL statements and database updation

How to apply filters in SQL statements

Databases to spreadsheets comparison

Database tables relationships and key terms

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19.  Introduction to Machine Learning and AI


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 4 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn machine learning models

Learn reinforcement , supervised and unsupervised learning

Learn types of machine learning & Problems

Machine learning and AI ethical issues

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20.  Introduction to Web Development


Time Duration – 2 hours

Course Duration – 3 weeks

What You Will Learn –

Learn HTML web page, tags and attributes

Learn use of box model & Model web pages

Learn Use of DOM Document Object Model

Learn how to access an element of a web page using DOM

Learn advantages of CSS & interactive website using JavaScript

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