Data Science Free Courses

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The demand for Professional Skills in today’s data world is blowing up. The market for big data analytics will reach 145.24 billion USD by 2025. there will be intensive growth in terms of hiring a data and analytics professional. To keep yourself updated with the trending technologies, Let’s begin your data science journey with the top free data science course online. Check out the Free Data Science Courses Online By Worlds Premier Universities. 

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Learn data science free online course by Harvard University. if you are interested in reproducible research or come from a data-intensive research background then this course is gonna give a boost to your research career. there are data science free courses at Harvard University and this course is for a broad audience from a data science background. Students and professionals from computational biology, bioinformatics, and biostatistics background also enroll in this course. this course will take from fundamentals of reproducible science, methods, and tools for research to case studies on scientific discovery. this free course from Harvard University will teach you data provenance, statistical methods, and computational tools for reproducible science. this course will deliver by video lectures, peer-to-peer engagements, case studies, and the use of computational tools. this is self-paced and takes 8 weeks to complete the course. 

Prerequisites: Knowledge of Statistics Data Analysis 
Subject: Data Analysis and Statistics 
Time Duration:3-8 hours/week 
Start Date: June 30 End Date: Oct 8 Length: 8 weeks 
Level: Intermediate 
Language: English 
Video Transcript: English 
Course Type: Self-Paced 
Institution: HarvardX 
Price: FREE 
Course Outcomes: 
  • Fundamental of reproducible science 
  • Key elements of data provenance 
  • Reproducible experimental design 
  • Reproducible data analysis using statistical methods 
  • Computational and statistical tools 
  • Understand analysis paradigms, a series of concepts 
  • Learn version control and reproducible dynamic report generation 
  • Understand workflows and thought patterns 
  • Learn new methods and tools for reporting & reproducible research 
  • write a reproducible paper. 

This course is developed by MITx. this is an advanced-level course. the learner with the knowledge of python programming, multivariable calculus, linear algebra, probability theory, statistics & machine learning can choose this course to develop their skills in computation and statistical Modeling. this course is available on the edx platform. the course is introductory and will give you hands-on knowledge of statistics & computation for real data analysis. if you are planning for mit free data science courses, enroll now in this program. there is only one session available for this course. It is Starting on Aug 30 and it will End on 21 Dec. The total duration of this course is 16 weeks. Invest your 10 to 15 hours per week to complete this course. the course is available for free of cost but if you are planning for a course with the certification as well, then you have to pay for verified certification. this course offered by MITx is a part of the MITx MicroMasters Program. if you successfully complete this course, you can plan for the other three courses from MITx and master the skills needed to be an effective data science practitioner. if you are planning for Masters or Ph.D. then taking these courses will gonna add value to your path towards higher education. once you complete with these all courses, plan for a virtually- proctored exam and earn a MicroMasters. so, what are you waiting for, start with the enrolling in mit data science online course free? 

Knowdlege of Python
Multi-Variable Calculus 
linear algebra 
theory Statistics 
Machine learning 
Subject: Data Analysis and Statistics 
Time Duration:10-15 hours/week 
Start Date: Aug 30 
End Date: Dec21 
Length: 16 weeks 
Language: English 
Video Transcript: English 
Course Type: Instructor led 
Price: FREE 
Course Outcomes: 
  • Hypotheses, Model, and Statistics Analysis on real data. 
  • How to use dimension reduction techniques. 
  • How to use principal component analysis 
  • How to Visualize high-dimensional data & applying on genomics data. 
  • Analyze social networks 
  • Model time series for forecasting with financial data. 
  • How to use Gaussian processes and make predictions 
  • Effective analysis 
  • Results communication. 
Learn depth introduction about machine learning, start from linear models, reinforcement learning to deep learning with hands-on python project by taking another course from MITx. this course is also a part of the MITx Micro Masters program. use of machine learning algorithms for various purposes like a content recommendation, compliance, risk and to predict customer behavior. In this course, the learner will get knowledge about algorithms for turning training data into automated predictions. representation, regularization, generalization, over-fitting, and VC dimension. this course covers the topic of clustering, probabilistic modeling, recommender problems, classification, neural networks, support vector machines, and online algorithms. The length of this course is 15 weeks. Invest your 10-14 hours per week to complete this course. certification is not free for this course. 
Proficiency in python programming. 
knowledge of probability theory 
Basic single and multivariable calculus 
Vectors and Matrices 
Subject: Computer Science 
Time Duration:10-14 hours/week 
Start Date: Sep 6 
End Date: Dec 21 
Length: 15 weeks 
Level: Advanced 
Language: English 
Video Transcript: English 
Course Type: Instructor-led 
Institution: MITx 
Price: FREE 
Projects: Automatic Review Analyzer Digit Recognition with Neural Networks Reinforcement Learning 
Course Outcomes: 
  • Principles behind machine learning problems. 
  • learn classification, regression, clustering, and reinforcement learning 
  • Implement & Analyze linear models, kernel machines, neural networks & graphical models 
  • Implement and organize machine learning projects. 
  • Select suitable models for different applications. 
This course is offered by UC San Diego and it is available on the edx platform. Big Data Analytics Using Spark is a part of the Data Science MicroMasters program. this course is designed to learn how to analyze large datasets using Jupyter Notebooks, MapReduce, and Spark as a platform. Learn about bottlenecks in massively parallel computation and how to minimize bottlenecks using spark. also, a learn how to use Machine Learning Library on massive datasets to perform supervised and unsupervised machine learning. get hands-on experience on Jypyter notebooks environment and use of PySpark. this is an advanced level course and it takes 10 weeks to complete by putting your efforts 9-12 hours per week. this course is available in two sessions. choose your session and start learning today. 
Python for Data Science 
Probability and Statistics in Data Science using Python
Machine Learning Fundamentals 
Subject: Data Analysis & Statistics 
Time Duration:8-10 hours/week 
Start Date: May 17, Aug 23, and Jan 10 
End Date: Aug 13, Dec 25, and May 14 
Length: 16 weeks 
Level: Advanced 
Language: English 
Video Transcript: English 
Course Type: Instructor-led
Institution: GTx 
Price: FREE 
Course Outcomes: 
  • Identifying the computational tradeoffs in Spark application. 

Learn data analytics for business from one of the top research universities called Georgia Tech University. As businesses or consumers, we see the data impacts everywhere. every business use analytics for their decision-making and growth of the business. this course is available on edx Platform and it is a part of the MicroMasters Program called Analytics Essential Tools and Methods. Learners who are looking for business analytics skills and want to become experts in the area of business in any business organization must go for it. In this course, you will learn how to use scientific processes for transforming data and creates insights for better business decisions. also, you will get to learn about all the methodologies, challenges, and issues related to analysis in business data. this course also teaches you real-time examples of how to apply business analytics algorithms and methodologies to solve business problems. access this course for free but for certification, you will have to pay a little high. there are two sessions available for this course, you can choose between the two sessions. it takes 16 weeks and 10 to 12 hours of effort per week to complete the course. 

Computing for Data Analysis 
Introduction to Analytics Modeling 
Basic Programming 
Proficiency Probability 
Statistics Linear algebra 
Basic Calculus 
Subject: Business & Management 
Time Duration:10-12 hours/week 
Start Date: May 17 , Aug 23 and Jan 10 
End Date: Aug 13 , Dec 25 and May 14 
Length: 16 weeks 
Language: English 
Video Transcript: English 
Course Type: Instructor-led 
Institution: GTx 
Price: FREE 
Course Outcomes: 
  • How to approach business problems using data analysis. 
  • How to generate predictions and business insights using analytics software. 
  • How to develop business analytics ideas